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Terms and Service


What Personal Information does Oscorptrade collect and process?

Personal information is data that identifies an individual or relates to an identifiable individual. This includes information you provide to us, information which is collected about you automatically, and information we obtain from third parties.
Information you provide to us. To open an account and access our services, we'll ask you to provide us with some information about yourself. This information is either required by law ( e.g., to verify your identity and comply with “Know Your Customer” obligations), necessary to provide the requested services (e.g., you will need to provide your email address in order to open your account), or is relevant for certain specified purposes, described in greater detail below. In some cases, if we add services and features you may be asked to provide us with additional information.
Failure in providing the data required implies that Binance will not be able to offer you our services.

We may use cookies or any other tracking technologies when you visit our website, including any other media form, mobile website, or mobile application related or connected to help customize the Site and improve your experience. learn more
